Testifying Experts and Consulting Experts
Our professionals are available to assist in projects as consulting experts or expert witnesses. Based upon an assessment of your project needs, we will assist you in determining the appropriate role for our experts in order to provide services that protect the confidential nature of your case, information and data, and trial strategy.
Valuation and Consulting Services
Our professionals are available for independent analysis and valuation services, appraisal review services (preliminary or thorough technical reviews), expert testimony, rebuttal testimony, testimony pertaining to review services, and assistance with the preparation of effective and persuasive demonstrative exhibits.
UVE also provides assistance by developing cross-examination strategies and outlines to assist counsel in its effort to effectively investigate the work product, work file, and testimony of the witness in relation to applicable professional standards, record keeping rules, ethics rules, and appropriate market-accepted techniques and methodologies.
Number of Parcels in Project
Whether your project involves a single parcel or thousands of parcels of real estate, UVE can provide thorough market research and analysis to develop credible value opinions and persuasive expert testimony. Our valuation experts are experienced in efficiently assembling mass data files for projects located in multiple jurisdictions and market areas.
Understanding Easements and Divided Interests
Our professionals are well-versed with researching and obtaining right-of-way agreements and determining key issues and provisions that potentially impact highest and best use issues and property values.
For acquisition projects, our professionals stay current with knowledge of relevant court rulings impacting the analysis and methodology issues that courts accept and reject. The proper analysis of real property rights, including temporary easements, permanent easements, and fee acquisitions, assures meaningful and credible assignment results.
Remainder Property Impacts
Our experience with in-depth analyses of market data and remainder property impact studies results in a foundation for our opinions rooted in market data and evidence as opposed to conjecture and speculation.
For underground pipeline and power transmission corridor assignments, our access to proprietary energy company corridor maps enables us to efficiently and accurately identify properties relevant to our market analysis and for our selection of comparable market data.
Fill out the form, or call us to set up a meeting at
313 N. Chicago Street, Suite 101
Joliet, Illinois 60432
(888) 416-3797